

Changing the name of a Catchments layer

Step One

Select the layer name panel - Within the layer editor panel select Layer Name and click with you mouse to expand the panel.

Step Two

Select the layer name panel - Within the layer editor panel select Layer Name and click with you mouse to expand the panel.

Step Three

Change the layer name - To change the layer name type an appropriate name for the layer into the Name text box. A tip is to ensure it is short, unique to the layer and descriptive. You are now ready to use the layer

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Changing the name of a Catchment

Step One

Edit a catchment area

To change your own data, Open an existing project and then select My Data.      

So that you will be able to see the change in your Catchment name on the map, it is a good idea to make sure that the labels are switched on for your layer. To switch on the labels click on the label icon next to your layer name so that the icon is shaded black. To open the layer click on the layer name.      

Step Two

Select Catchment to update - To change the name (or unique identifier) of a Catchment, you need to firstly select the Catchment. To select your Catchment, open the Select section and click on the button next to Catch, then start to type in the name of your Catchment into the text box, you will see a dropdown list of Catchment names. When you can see your Catchment, click on it to select it.      

Step Three

Change the Catchment name - To change the catchment name open the Catchment Name section and type a new name in the text box. The map will automatically update to reflect the change.

Step Four

Save your project - To save the change made to your layer, click on the Save button. This will save the changes to the layer and any other changes made to the project.

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Changing the colour of Catchments

Step One

Style a Catchment layer - To style your own data, Open an existing project and then select My Data, click on the catchment layer you wish to style.

Step Two

Select Catchments to update - In the Select section of the panel, you can control whether to update all Catchments in the layer or just a single Catchment. To update all Catchments, make sure that the All button is selected. To select an individual Catchment, click on the Catch button, then start to type the Catchment Identifier in the text box and select the required Catchment from the drop down list.      

Step Three

Select the colour panel - Within the layer editor panel select Design and Build, from here you can control how the Catchments are displayed. Expand the Colour section to choose a single colour to apply to the Catchment(s).

Step Four

Select a new Colour - To change all your Catchments with the same colour, click in the coloured box next to Fill and select the required colour from the palette. The Catchments will automatically update.

Step Five

Change the transparency - You can change the level of transparency of your Catchment colour by clicking and dragging the bar underneath Fill Transparency. If you want your Catchments to be very transparent so that you can see features underneath the catchments drag the bar towards the High end of the bar. To make your Catchments more opaque, drag the bar towards the Low end.  

Step Six

Change the Catchment border colour - You can change the colour of the border of your Catchments by clicking in the coloured box next to Border and selecting the required colour from the palette.

Step Seven

Change the border transparency - You can change the transparency of the border colour of your Catchments in the same way as the Fill colour, by clicking and dragging the bar underneath Border Transparency. If you want your catchment borders to be very transparent so that you can see features underneath the Catchments drag the bar towards the High end of the bar. To make your Catchment borders more opaque drag the bar towards the Low end.      

Step Eight

Choose a column to style your Catchments - To change the colour of your Catchments based on a column within your data, tick the box next to Data Based Styling. Click on the dropdown box to select a column to classify the records in your layer on. When you have selected the column of data the map will automatically update to reflect the change made to the layer.

Step Nine

Use Advanced Options to change colours - You can make changes to the way in which the data based styling is displaying the data through Advanced Options. You can assign specific colours by clicking on the colour next to each value.    

Step Ten

Use Advanced Options to change number values

For numeric columns, you can also change the number of classes the data is split into, and the method by which the data is assigned to each class:    

Equal Value Ranges – Your data is grouped into same sized range values.

Equal Value range maps are easy to interpret and are good for visualising uniform distribution and continuous data. It is not an appropriate classification method where the data is clustered around only a few values.      

Equal Class Counts – Your data is grouped so each will contain an equal category which will have the same number of records.      

Custom Ranges – You will be able to set the range values of each class. This can be useful if you wish to round numbers e.g. 5000 – 10,000 or map the data according to specific KPIs.              

To return to the colour panel click on the Layer arrow.

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Changing the label of Catchments

Step One

Switch on Catchments layer labels - To switch on your Catchment layer labels, Open an existing project and then select My Data, click on the label icon which can be found to the left of your Catchments layer name. The Catchment labels will then be displayed.

Step Two

Style a Catchments layer - To style your layer, open the layer editor by clicking on the name of the Catchments layer that you want to change.      

Step Three

Select Catchments to update - In the Select section of the panel, you can control whether to update all Catchments in the layer or just a single Catchment. To update all Catchments, make sure that the All button is selected. To select an individual Catchment, click on the Catch button, then start to type the Catchment Identifier in the text box and select the required Catchment from the drop down list.      

Step Four

Select the label panel - Within the layer editor panel select Design and Build, from here you can control how the Catchments are displayed, expand the Label selection panel.

Step Five

Change the label and font - To change the label to another column from your data, select the required column from the Label dropdown list ad to change the Font select the required font from the Font dropdown list.

Step Six

Change the label colour and size - You can change the colour of the label by clicking in the coloured box next to Foreground and selecting a colour from the palette. To change the size of the labels, click and drag the Size bar until it shows the required size or type in a size in the number box.

Step Seven

Use advanced options to change labels - You can make changes to the way in which the labels are displayed through Advanced Options. To change the position of the label select one of the options in the Position dropdown box. There are several other options for styling your label which can be ticked or unticked as required.      

Step Eight

Add additional labels - You can add additional labels by opening the Additional Labels section and selecting a data column from the dropdown list. The additional labels will appear on the map automatically. To add further additional labels, press the + button.

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Changing the visibility level of Catchments

Step One

Style a Catchments layer - To style your own data, Open an existing project and then select My Data, click on the Catchment layer you wish to style.

Step Two

Select Catchments to update - In the Select section of the panel, you can control whether to update all Catchments in the layer or just a single Catchment. To update all Catchments, make sure that the All button is selected. To select an individual Catchment, click on the Catch button, then start to type the Catchment Identifier in the text box and select the required Catchment from the drop down list.

Step Three

Select the visibility panel - Within the layer editor panel select Design and Build, from here you can control how the Catchments are displayed. Expand the Visibility section to control the zoom level at which your Catchments are displayed.

Step Four

Select visibility level

Initially all layers are set to the visibility level World which means that the Catchments in your layer will be visible regardless of the zoom level. To change the maximum visibility level click and drag the slider or type a value between 1 and 20 in the number box. A value of 20 means that the layer will be visible at all levels and a value of 1 means that the layer will only be displayed at very zoomed in levels.    

After changing the visibility level you may find that your Catchments are no longer visible on the map. To display your Catchments again, you will need to click on the Zoom tool which can be found above the map and zoom into the level that you have setup for your layer.

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