
Geoplan mapping and optimisation tools enable Kawasaki to focus on core processes involved in managing ongoing dealer development.

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The Problem

Kawasaki required the ability to map vehicle registration and warranty data at district level for franchise areas and competitor analysis etc.

They also required visual representation of MCIA sale and warranty data and ability to build monthly report packs for individual dealers.

"We needed to provide our dealer network with information that they would easily be able to understand which would in turn help them develop their own businesses."

"The real benefits gained by KMUK by using the system have been quite considerable, KMUK has been able to conduct various types of in-depth types of analysis of the market in a considerably shorter time scale than prior to using the system."

Ahsan Nabi - Sales & Market Analyst - Kawasaki Motors UK

The Solution

Geoplan mapping and optimisation tools enable Kawasaki to focus on core processes involved in managing ongoing dealer development.

The Geoplan system also provides a visual representation of what is actually occurring in the marketplace and within a dealer’s trading territory, allowing KMUK to be much more methodical when looking to appoint new dealers.

Developed specifically for Hermes, the system provided:

The Benefits

  • Identify areas of overlap, waste and opportunity, enabling them to reduce cost and improve sales performance and return.
  • Generate open points and cut underlying geography.
  • Identify target dealers with reference to MCIA / warranty data.
  • Assembly of dealer report packs.
  • De-duplicate competitor files into one definitive source.
  • Create market share pie charts and assemble of dealer report packs.
  • Generation of key thematic overlays (competitors and pump in / pump out).

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