The German Municipalities are provided by Zensus 2011. The data provides a spatial reference for each of the Communities in Germany. The layer is useful for providing a reference to the different areas within Germany as well as territory planning e.g. Area Manager or operations which have a small sized field team and hot spot mapping.


Source – Zensus 2011

Recency – 2011

Geographical Coverage and Accuracy – Germany

Projection – WGS84

Available Formats – Shapefile

Layer Type – Boundary

Data Health

Most up to date Municipality boundaries for Germany

Includes the latest census counts for population and household

License Type

License type- Annual

Update frequency –Updated when required


The German Municipalities are provided by Zensus 2011. The data provides a spatial reference for each of the Communities in Germany. The layer is useful for providing a reference to the different areas within Germany as well as territory planning e.g. Area Manager or operations which have a small sized field team and hot spot mapping.

Product Information


The Population and Household counts have been sourced from the German 2011 census. Population counts of 0 are present throughout the dataset where no information is available at source.  The Household data is defined as the total number of residential houses for a given area.

Product Information

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